IRIB Normandy Rouen / Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine


FOCIS - 26/09/2024

2nd Symposium of FOCIS Center of Excellence PAn’THER
Autoimmunity and cellular immunotherapy of cancer

Symposium coordinator: Jérémie Martinet ; FCE director: Olivier Boyer ; FCE deputy director Catalina Abad

under the auspices of Association pour la recherche sur les pathologies du système immunitaire


Free but mandatory registration

A poster prize will be offered during the symposium to young investigators. If you would like to participate, please send an abstract of your poster by Septembre 10, 2024 to:


September 26th 2024
Bâtiment Stewart – UFR Santé - Rouen, France

  8h30-9h00       Registration and coffee

  9h00-9h15       Welcome and introduction  Jérémie Martinet (PAn’THER FCE, Rouen, France)


 9h15-12h15      Cancer cellular immunotherapy (Chair: Jose Cohen, FCE Mondor, Créteil, France)

  9h15-9h45       Does the immune system mistake tumors for fetuses? Implications for T cell immunotherapy.

David Klatzmann (Paris, France)

 9h45-10h15      Radiation combination therapy for improving CAR T cell efficacy in heme malignancy.

Monica Guzman (Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, USA)

10h15-10h45     Unexpected role of glucocorticoids in promoting resistance in B-ALL.

Souleymane Abdoul-Azize (PAn’THER FCE, Rouen, France)

10h45-11h15     Poster visit / Coffee break

11h15-11h45     Spatial biology helps to identify CAR target candidates against pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Daniel Schäfer (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany)

11h45-12h15     Technical focus: in ovo evaluation of cancer immunotherapy.

Melody Caillot (Becquerel cancer center, Rouen, France)

12h15-13h45     Poster visit / Lunch break


13h45-14h30     Presidential address: New tolerogenic strategies in organ transplantation and autoimmunity.
                          Ignacio Anegon, President of FOCIS (Inserm U1064, Nantes, France)


14h30-17h30     Autoimmunity (Chair: Olivier Benveniste, AP-HP, Paris, France)

14h30-15h00     New insight in myositis pathophysiology.

Werner Stenzel (Charité, Berlin, Germany)

15h00-15h30     Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) induced myositis.

Yves Allenbach (Inserm U974, Paris, France)

15h30-16h00     Poster Visit / Coffee Break

16h00-16h30     A pathogenic role for myositis autoantibodies?

Andrew Mammen (NIH, Bethesda, USA)

16h30-17h00     Targeted therapies in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathies.

Olivier Boyer (PAn’THER FCE, Rouen, France)

17h00-17h30     New targets in complement therapy

Marie-Agnès Dragon-Durey (HEGP, Paris, France)

17h30-17h40     Young investigator poster award  Jérémie Martinet (PAn’THER FCE, Rouen, France)

17h40-17h45     Closing remark  Catalina Abad (PAn’THER FCE, Rouen, France)

A poster prize will be offered during the symposium to young investigators. If you would like to participate, please send an abstract of your poster by July 15, 2024 to:

Registration closed

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IRIB Normandy Rouen
22 Boulevard Gambetta
76183 ROUEN Cedex

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