76130 Mont Saint-Aignan
Phone: +33 2 35 14 66 80
The research activities of the UMR CNRS 6270 laboratory concern three main thematics realized by four teams: team BRICS « Biofilms, Résistance, Cell-Surfaces Interactions» (T. Jouenne) ; team MPBM « Barrier Polymer Materials and Membranes » (S. Marais) ; team SCC « Complex Colloidal » (D. Le Cerf ) and team MM « Macromolecular Materials » (F.Burel). Works of the BRICS team focuse in particular on the research of new strategies to fight against the bacterial colonization of biotic and abiotic surfaces. At the bacterium level, proteomic and biophysical approaches are used to identify molecular mechanisms involved in the bacterial adhesion and in the resistance against antibiotics, the final objective being to find new molecular targets. Concerning the materials angle, works consist to elaborate new surfaces exhibiting antiadhesive and /or biocidal properties. In particular biomimetic surfaces are developed based on the immobilization (grafting or entrapment) of antimicrobial peptides on surfaces. Another strategy is the elaboration of new all-in-one “seek and destroy” cyclodextrin vectors exhibiting the ability to destroy the biofilm matrix and to release antibacterial agents within biofilms.