IRIB Normandy Rouen / Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine

  Research and Services Laboratories

US51/UAR2026 - HeRacLeS - High-Tech Research Infrastructure for Life Sciences

Head: Ludovic GALAS



Faculty of Sciences, CURIB
Place Emile Blondel
76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

Phone: +33 235 14 7048/6624



  Research Topics

PRIMACEN is a research infrastructure for life sciences identified by RIO (Réunion Inter Organismes) as top level research facility in 2001 and 2003, as a “Regional Platform for Cell Imaging” in 2004 and 2006 and as an IBiSA (Infrastructures en Biologie Santé et Agronomie) platform since 2008. PRIMACEN is located in the CURIB building of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Rouen. The management of PRIMACEN conforms to ISO9001 regulation with the objective of satisfying researcher expectations. For this, PRIMACEN has developed a functional website (iPRIMACEN, APP n°IDDN.FR.001.190018.000.S.P.2010.0000.42000) in order to assist the management of its equipment and help the users working on the Platform. Public or private customers can access to PRIMACEN according to 3 modes i.e.  “Autonomous utilization”, “Scientific collaboration” or “Service delivery”. The mode of access to the Platform depends on the customer’s request, the degree of expertise of the customer, the staff availability and the access restriction to certain equipment of the Platform. Depending on the affiliation/origin of the customer (University of Rouen Normandy; public organization; or private company) 3 different rates are applied (see


Involvement of 18 researchers, professors and assistant-professors, engineers, technicians corresponding to 8.5 full-time:

Main activities


PRIMACEN encompasses 4 core-facilities covering the field of cellular imaging from the synthesis of biomarkers and sample preparation to the localization and the determination of biological activity of molecules of interest.  

      The specific offers of each facility include the following applications:  

 Peptide synthesis and Screening of bioactive compounds: design, synthesis, purification, analysis and characterization of peptides (notably for functional studies and production of antibodies), peptide analogs and biomarkers (biotinylated, fluorescent, iodinated molecules...), identification of bioactive molecules and determination of biological activities of natural/endogenous and synthetic molecules.  

 Biophotonics: localization of molecules of interest (neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, structural proteins, receptors, ion channels, transcription factors, enzymes, …) in bacteria, microalgae, plants, animals and human ; spatio-temporal studies of biological events (time lapse…) in living cells and tissues.  

 Electron microscopy: localization and identification of molecules of interest (glucide and protein epitopes) by immunocytochemistry at the subcellular level in bacteria, plant, animal and human cells with or without cryofixation.  

 Microdissection and real-time PCR: tissue sections on cryomicrotomes and vibratomes, laser microdissection, surgery for small animals, quantification of transcription of genes expressed in microdissected tissues or cultured cells. Development of thematic panels to study biological processes by high throughput PCR.  


Complementary activities


  Main contributions

Scientific projects

Technological developments

  Latest publications








  Other Scientific Productions
IT Applications : iPRIMACEN, EasyLab Manager, Agir, CARA-RPS

Last update: 2022/09/20

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IRIB Normandy Rouen
22 Boulevard Gambetta
76183 ROUEN Cedex

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