UMR 6270 CNRS - Rouen University
76821 Mont Saint-Aignan
Phone: +33 235 14 6397
The platform is composed of 3 departments (electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and chromatography, micro-sequencing) and has just moved into a new building (CURIB) with dedicated premises and occupies more than 750 m2 at the University of Rouen on the site of Mont Saint Aignan (France).
A qualified staff is present in the various departments of the platform. Thus 16 members (researchers, engineers) actually participate in the activity of the platform and their mission is oriented towards the operation, the development activities and the maintenance of specific instrumentation domains.
The PISSARO proteomics platform was created in 2003 to provide effective and recognized expertise and technological means to the academic and industrial scientific community in the field of separation, identification and quantification of proteins and peptides, and also in the field of post-translational modifications.
ISO 9001 quality certification has been obtained for almost 10 years. Its goal is to implement quality through a comprehensive and structured process. This approach extends to all platform activities and includes all aspects of excellence: customer satisfaction, continuous quality improvement, cost and time control, and innovation. The platform has received a new certification for Instrumental / Technological Platform: NFX-50-900 and is now ISO9001 / V2015 certified.
The acquisitions available on the PISSARO platform were obtained thanks to different sources of funding (Normandy Region, ERDF, MESR, IBiSA, ANR, charities, …), leading to an instrumental park that represents more than 3 million euros of investment.
The platform is widely open to national and foreign research laboratories, academic or private. The PISSARO platform has been involved in numerous ANR projects and numerous international programs. In addition, the platform has built a network of international collaborations and has developed an important partnership with private companies (BMS, Pfizer, MSD, Stago, Corrodys, Proteomic Solutions, …). A privileged partnership has been set up with Agilent Technologies and the PISSARO platform is today "Associated Lab" with this company, leader in the field of scientific instrumentation.
The platform is also highly involved in higher and continuing education. Graduate students and doctoral students have access to the PISSARO platform to carry out their research projects (French and foreign students). In the context of various partnerships, training sessions or knowledge transfer sessions were also organized.