IRIB Normandy Rouen / Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine

  Research and Services Laboratories

UMR1239 - NORDIC - Neuroendocrine, Endocrine and Germinal Differentiation Communication

Head: Hervé LEFEBVRE


Inserm U1239 
Faculty of Sciences
University of Rouen
76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan
Phone: +33 235 14 6743/6731/6661



  Research Topics
  • Functional Genomics of Neuronal and Neuroendocrine Pathophysiology (Team 1, coordinator: Youssef Anouar):
- Genomics and pathophysiology of neuroendocrine cells
- Functional genomics of a novel neuroendocrine thioredoxin
- Genomics and pathophysiology of neurosecretion
- Identification of markers and therapeutic strategies for neuroendocrine and non-neuroendocrine tumors
  • Neuropeptides, Neuronal death and Cell plasticity(Team 2, coordinator: David Vaudry):
- Identification of neuropeptides involved in the control of neuron survival, migration and differentiation during development and aging
- Determination of therapeutic potential of the neuropeptides PACAP and ODN in models of cerebral ischemia
- Determination of therapeutic potential of stem cells expressing PACAP for the treatment of cerebral ischemia
- Development of tools to study brain development and aging
  •   Astrocytes and Vascular Niche (Team 3, coordinator: Hélène Castel):
- Role of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), G proteins and cell signallings in brain glio-vascular pathologies including the subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Chemotactic GPCRs on molecular signallings and cellular mechanisms in development of gliomas including angiogenesis, invasion, tumoral heterogenity and treatment resistance
- Impact of cancer and cancer therapies on brain function and new prevention strategies (Cancer and cognition platform)
- Development of local strategies for glioma treatment and functional rehabilitation in preclinical models
  • Neuroendocrinology and Pathophysiology of the Adrenal Cortex and Energy Metabolism  (Team 4, coordinators: Hervé Lefebvre and Nicolas Chartrel):
- Characterization of the role of paracrine factors in the pathophysiology of the adrenocortex hyperplasias and tumors
- Identification of novel molecular targets for the therapeutic management of hypercorticisms
- Characterization of novel neuropeptides involved in the central and peripheral control of energy metabolism




The central theme of the four research groups of the INSERM U1239 within IRIB is devoted to neuronal and neuroendocrine differentiation and communication. Several pathologies of the central nervous system (neurodegenerative diseases, lissencephaly, brain tumors) and the neuro-endocrine system (obesity, diabetes, neuroendocrine tumors) are associated to abnormalities in cell differentiation, migration, survival and intercommunication. The research project of our Unit aims to contribute to the elucidation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuronal and neuroendocrine differentiation and communication involving neuropeptides, in physiology and pathophysiology. Peptides such as PACAP, urotensin II and ACTH are implicated in cell growth and differentiation or neurotransmitter/hormone release, during development and in adulthood. Studies are conducted to determine the role of trophic peptides, and certain genes involved in their effects (selenoprotein T, chromogranins, G protein-coupled receptors) as revealed by transcriptomic and proteomic analyses, in processes of cell differentiation, neuroprotection, hormone regulation and tumorigenesis. Using a multidisciplinary approach of neuroscience and neuroendocrinology based on cell imaging, electrophysiology, neurotransmitter/ hormone release assays, gene disruption, peptide characterization, etc, in vivo and in vitro, our research groups contribute to the understanding of basic mechanisms underlying neuronal and neuroendocrine function of neuropeptides. Pre-clinical and clinical investigations allow us to determine the pathophysiological implications of peptide-associated effects in animal models and human, respectively. Thus, beside the cognitive aspects of our research project, the ultimate goal is to identify, develop and validate therapeutic strategies (e.g. Urotensin II, PACAP analogs and signaling targets) as well as diagnostic/prognostic tools (e.g. EM66 biomarker), in collaboration with Rouen CHU services, CIC and IRIB laboratories, national networks (COMETE, PGL-EVA, REHOS, Cog-Immuno, Canceropole, ANOCEF, GDR-GPCR, Onconeurotox, OncoThera), partners in the pharmaceutical industry and numerous international research groups (LARC Neurosciences Network, ens@t, ICCTF, the COST Network ERNEST).

  Main contributions

  Latest publications





  Other Scientific Productions
Brevets actifs

► Outils informatiques (logiciel, base de  données)

Last update: 2019/10/09

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IRIB Normandy Rouen
22 Boulevard Gambetta
76183 ROUEN Cedex

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