IRIB Normandy Rouen / Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine


The Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB - FED4220) is a Federative Structure of Research regrouping all the resources of biomedical research in Haute-Normandie.

The objective of this Institute is to develop a high-level biomedical research particularly focused on the understanding of disease physiopathology and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools thanks to the complementarity of clinicians, biologists and chemists of the Rouen University.

This Federative structure, including 251 researchers/teachers and researchers, regroups

The 4 priority axes of research for this Institute are :

Nous contacter :

IRIB Normandy Rouen
22 Boulevard Gambetta
76183 ROUEN Cedex

Direction :

Secretariat :

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